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Judges Critiques

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Miss F Snook

Judging: Terrier Group, The Kc Av Sponsored Good Citizen Dog Scheme Stakes


Thank you to Stuart Plane and his team for inviting me to judge at this very prestigious terrier show. I had a very busy day and enjoyed it tremendously. A special thanks to my hardworking stewards and those that exhibited.


A good class of different shapes and sizes. I could have shortlisted 8 for the top awards, but time was against me. The first three were old favorites of mine. I had picked them out as puppies and watched them grow through their showing careers.

  1. Curtis’ Skye Terrier, Ch Verumanicus Aurora of Brakemill JW OSW. Getting on in age now and fully mature. Absolutely lovely in every way, creating a super picture stood and moving. Always presented and handled to perfection, with her cream coat of super texture, with lovely dark markings on ears and muzzle. Long and powerful head, super eyes, full of expression. Pricked ears, nicely placed and covered with feathering. Strong jaws with correct scissor bite. Good depth of chest. Long, low body with level top line. Oval ribcage, deep and long. Strong well developed and angulated hindquarters. Giving free, effortless fluid movement, out, back and side view, always retaining her topline. Excellent tail carriage.
  2. Bannister’s Bedlington Terrier, Ch Miteymidgets Going Global JW Shcm VW. One I picked out as a puppy and still full of charm at 10 years old. She never disappoints and a very worthy champion. Blue bitch, so graceful, with everything flowing, showing no weakness or coarseness. Lovely pear-shaped head, with narrow and rounded skull. Small dark, triangular eyes and super thin ears. Good length of neck into good shoulders. Correct straight forelegs, forming a good ‘horseshoe’ shape. Nice topline with arched loin. She still has that wonderful Bedlington movement, especially in front, which cannot be ignored. In super coat of correct texture and colour. So shapely, moderate and balanced. Still on great form. 
  3. Ferris’ Australian Terrier, Wyeafon Percival. I have judged this chap many times and he also never disappoints. Now a veteran. He is such a lovely ambassador for the breed, with his wonderful temperament. Correct head, flat skull with thumb marks. Definite stop, equal length of skull to muzzle, topped with a ‘top-knot’ of lighter colour. Nice almond eyes, small, pointed ears, well placed. Correct scissor bite. Slightly arched neck and good straight front. Well-constructed body with level topline. Nicely muscled and fit, giving good movement. Blue and tan coloured coat of a super harsh texture and nice ruff around his neck.
  4. Grimes-Watson & Watson’s Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Janeyjimjams Jem Devlin.
  5. Knight & Poolton’s Scottish Terrier, Russalan Martha Rosa JW.


  1. Hampton’s Wire Fox Terrier, Travella Steel a Kiss. This young bitch caught my eye as she entered the ring and could not be ignored. Beautifully presented and handled to perfection. A wonderful example of the breed which is no surprise when looking at the prefix. Everything is so well balanced. Equal proportioned head, as neck, with body fitting into a square box shape. A long, lean, narrow head with a flattish top skull. Small V shaped ears nicely placed. Moderately narrow front, straight forelegs and flat clean shoulders. Short, level back. Strong muscled hindquarters, well bent stifles with hocks well let down. Good tail set. Super movement with drive from the rear. Very well presented wiry textured coat of good colour.
  2. Witheyman & Satherley’s Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Ch Silkcroft Born This Way JW. I very worthy champion, in fact, I gave her the third CC. I have no idea how many she has now. The day I made her up and gave her Best of Breed she went on to receive Terrier Group Three. Always beautifully presented and well-handled to get the best out of her, aiding her super flowing movement and soft wavy wheaten coat. Wonderful outline and construction. Correct size, lovely and square. Good strong head, but feminine, correct bite. Well set ears and good eyes with kind expression. Nice length of neck with arch. Really lovely shoulders that aids her super movement. Well ribbed, with firm topline and well-set tail. Nicely angulated hindquarters. 
  3. MacKay & Kirk-Gellatly’s Scottish Terrier, Whitwitch No Mercy.
  4. Gleave & Kenwright’s Fox Terrier (Smooth), Ch Jodean Jitterbug at Tamedale.
  5. Mullan & Mullan’s Norfolk Terrier, Watercroft Maybellene.


I found it a real pleasure judging these classes. So many adults could learn a lot from the way these youngsters present and handle their dogs, also the sportsmanship that goes with it. 

MEMBERS 6-11 (10)

Everyone did a very good job to try and handle their dogs to the best of their ability. I felt one or two had difficult dogs to control, which was hard and gave the handler extra distress. It would be better not to have young boisterous puppies. They were all dressed nicely and endeavored to move their dogs at the correct speed for the breed. Some need more practice at showing the dog’s teeth to ensure it does not cause the dog any distress, as some dogs are not keen on doing this. Shadowing could have been better for some. All did extremely well for their age. All handlers made mistakes, but the first were obviously more experienced and schooled, as were their dogs.

  1. Molly Whisker. Very smartly dressed and showed she was experienced at showing a dog. She moved it very proficiently, at the correct speed at all times. She was at ease in the ring, staying calmly in control.
  2. Jacob Kenwright. A very keen young man, who has been very well schooled. Unfortunately, being quite short at the moment, he needs a box to stand on to show his dog on the table. It gives him the height needed but he is now almost too high and his movement is restricted to shadow. I expect it will be a great relief to him when he has grown a bit taller. He is certainly one for the future, especially showing such a lovely dog.
  3. Evie Bryson
  4. Leighton Jem-Cooper
  5. Esme Francis

MEMBERS 12-17 (12)

I was quite amazed at how grown-up this group acted. Such a leap from the younger ones. When they entered the ring, I knew they were going to put me through my paces to put them in the right order! All were nicely dressed. Being a confirmation judge I automatically start judging the quality of the dogs and how well the handlers can present them at their best. It is very difficult for anyone to show a very bad specimen and present it well. There were one or two dogs there with very bad movement, which pegged the handler bad for me. A thing to consider when entering this competition. The youngsters with easily to show, good examples of the breed usually come out on top. One thing I noticed is the correct way to bait your dog. A thing where novice adult handlers have problems. It is quite an art to get it right and needs plenty of practice. When a judge assesses a dog, the worst thing is when the dog will not stand still because there is food dangling around. Or the judge cannot look at the dog closely because the handler’s head is in the way. The placed handlers had reasonable specimens of the breed, moved them at the right speed, stood them well and sympathetically showed the dog’s teeth. They also did good pattern work and shadowing.

  1. Amelie Smith. The smartest of handlers, who looks good in her matching two piece, handlers her lovely Parson Russell Terrier to perfection. She has excellent handling skills, which I expect she uses a lot. She is at ease, looking comfortable and confident in her work.
  2. Texas-Lee Dunstone. Another confident, competent, well dressed young lady, who must show terriers a lot.
  3. Francesca Wilson
  4. Harriet Duffield
  5. Amelia Brown

MEMBERS 18-24 (2)

  1. Poppy Wynter. A shame Min Witheyman was not able to come and challenge Poppy. Both excellent handlers. Unfortunately, the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier championship show had started in the adjoining ring. Poppy has now joined Win in also showing a very nice Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. But today she professionally handled the super Wire Fox Terrier, dressed in a dark sparkly two piece that complemented the dog very well. She is so experienced at showing her quality dogs and knows how to get the best out of them. She moves them at the right speed for them to ‘strut their stuff.’

Well done to you all.


Felicity A. Snook