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Show Results - Gundog Group

Judge: Mrs Jane Howarth

BEST : 1613 RAHMAN, Mr Md & TODD, Mr DC - Sh Ch Zheridons Blanche - SPANIEL (COCKER) - Bitch
RESERVE : 289 PHILLIPS, Mrs A & WATKINS, Ms Tereza - Sh Ch Flaxheath Top Model At Glenmaurangi - GORDON SETTER - Bitch
3rd : 66 GRAHAM, Mrs Linda & YARROW, Mrs Janette - Sh Ch Bonapartist Pickpocket - BRITTANY - Dog
4th : 1939 PHILLIPS, Mr L - Rivertone Retrograde - WEIMARANER - Dog

Mt M D Rahmand & Mr D C Todd - Sh Ch Zheridons Blanche with group judge Mrs J Howarth & Mr A Moss (Committee)

Mrs A Phillips & Ms T Watkins - Sh Ch Flaxheath Top Model At Glenmaurangi with group judge Mrs J Howarth

Mrs L Graham & Mrs J Yarrow - Sh Ch Bonapartist Pickpocket with group judge Mrs J Howarth

Mr L Phillips - Rivertone Retrograde with group judge Mrs J Howarth

Gundog Group - Puppy
Judge: Mr Stuart Plane

1st : 772 WILKINSON, Mrs Barbara Ferndel Sapphire Mist Over Stocksfell - POINTER - Bitch
2nd : 95 DANKS-KEMISH, Mrs R D & LITTLECHILD, Mr Graham & L Ravensett Just An Illusion With Alolfrana - ENGLISH SETTER - Dog
3rd : 873 HENESEY, Mrs S Miss Mallorys Tickety-boo Wrensmead (Swed Imp) - RETRIEVER (FLAT COATED) - Bitch
4th : 1831 CHANDLER, Mrs Angela Ruth Chanangel White Rose - SPANIEL (WELSH SPRINGER) - Bitch
Mrs B Wilkinson - Ferndel Sapphire Mist Over Stocksfell with puppy group judge Mr S Plane & Mr S Atkinson (Chairman)

Gundog Group - Specbeg
Judge: Mrs E W Newton

1st : 857 CLARK, Mr Brian & CLARK, Mrs Lynne Hurstclough Night Owl At Flanova - RETRIEVER (FLAT COATED) - Dog
2nd : 1471 WOOD, Miss Emily Jurgapearls Arabella - SPANIEL (AMERICAN COCKER) - Bitch
3rd : 1717 TURVEY, Miss Thalia & MURRAY, Mrs Julie Meonstoke Wild Cherry At Harvancourt - SPANIEL (ENGLISH SPRINGER) - Bitch
4th : 155 BRUDENELL-PRYKE, Ms P & GALLAGHER, Miss Oceanne Venatur Indicus - GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER - Bitch
Mr B Clark & Mrs L Clark - Hurstclough Night Owl At Flanova with spbeg group judge Mrs E W Newton & Mr C Roberts (Committee)