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City of Birmingham 2006

Pro-plan/Dog World Puppy Stakes

Judge: Mrs Patsy Hollings

Best Dog : 10061 Mr M COAD Pamplona Push the Button
Res Best Dog : Not Awarded
Best Bitch : 1465 Mrs E D WILLIAMS Clentview Miss Dior Sancana
Res Best Bitch : Not Awarded
Best Puppy : 10061 Mr M COAD Pamplona Push the Button
Best Veteran :

Class 441 PD (50 Entries) Abs: 28
1st: 10061 Mr M COAD Pamplona Push the Button
2nd: 1557 Mr A GORDON, Mrs M S & LEONARD Witchstone Heads Or Tails
3rd: 1594 Mr D GUY Donzeata Royal Double
Res: 712 Mrs M PURSGLOVE Coiredubh Corroi from Roguesmoor
VHC: 1887 Mr D SANTORIELLO Dimogen Atomic Charge To Pinicio

Class 442 PB (54 Entries) Abs: 37
1st: 1465 Mrs E D WILLIAMS Clentview Miss Dior Sancana
2nd: 1560 Mr A GOURLEY, Mr N & LEONARD Witchstone Telling Tails
3rd: 2334 Mrs C S WYATT Bobander What A Fiasco
Res: 403 Mr P & Mrs P BARBER Simply Red Ruby of Rivergate
VHC: 317 Mrs S LANGMAN Bonwillan Dizzy Blonde

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