BEST : 4549 OMURA, Mr T & ISHERWOOD Mr T Int Ch Smash Jp Close Up POODLE (TOY) - Dog
RESERVE : 3973 CHRISTIE Mrs J Ch Sophtspot Snap Crackle N Pop JW DALMATIAN - Bitch
3rd : 3773 NICHOLLS Mr C S & Mrs J K Shyllar Raise Your Game AKITA - Bitch
4th : 4950 ROBERTS, Mr D & PRICE Mr J Kybo Kung Fu Panda TIBETAN TERRIER - Bitch
Mr T Omura & Int Ch Smash Jp Close Up, with group jduge Mrs Liz Cartledge, Mr T Isherwood (co-owner), Mrs Sue Wilkinson (Windsor committee) and Alison Morton (Royal Canin)
Mrs J Christie & Ch Sophtspot Snap Crackle N Pop JW
Mrs J K Nicholls & Shyllar Raise Your Game
Roberts & Price's Kybo Kung Fu Panda
Utility Breeder Group Judge: Mr T Mather
1st : Trendle - German Spitz (Klein) 2nd : Not Awarded 3rd : Not Awarded 4th : Not Awarded