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City of Birmingham 2016

Owner/breeder/handler Stakes (G&u)

Judge: Mr K Sinclair

Best Dog : Not Awarded
Res Best Dog : Not Awarded
Best Bitch : Not Awarded
Res Best Bitch : Not Awarded
Best Puppy :
Best Veteran :

Class 2507 OBHPSt (42 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6869 CORBETT Miss S J Trimere Ticatboo
2nd: 8428 COOPER, Ms C & ELLINGFORD Mrs L Susu Widow Twanky
3rd: 6836 TAYLOR Mrs V Triveka Melody Pond
Res: 7869 LINDSAY Mrs S Mezanda Merry Starshower
VHC: 7539 SAMPSON Dr E & Mr W Dalstorm Eternal Promise

Class 2508 OBHOSt (27 Entries) Abs: 16
1st: 5856 MILLIGAN-BOTT, Mrs D & BOTT Mr J N Thendara Commitment JW
2nd: 5854 MILLIGAN-BOTT & BOTT Mr & Mrs D & J Sh Ch Thendara Pot Noodle JW
3rd: 6861 BULLOCK Mr J E Trixhund Talking Obsession JW Sh.CM
Res: 8542 GENT Mr & Mrs M Miteng Miss Moneypenny
VHC: 7849 WATSON Mrs J & Mr C Calicelesti Casanova

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