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Bath Canine Society 2012

The Geoffrey Waring Special Beginners Stakes

Judge: Mrs J R Richards

Best Dog : Not Awarded
Res Best Dog : Not Awarded
Best Bitch : Not Awarded
Res Best Bitch : Not Awarded
Best Puppy :
Best Veteran :
Best Breeder :

Class 919 SBD/B-st (38 Entries) Abs: 20
1st: 3635 CARPENTER Mrs C Aschfahl Isen
2nd: 2716 RANKINE Mrs S Tenshilling Rags To Riches At Fyldefair JW
3rd: 3008 GRIGGS Mrs J Mulfield Fortuna JW
Res: 3413 GREEN, Messrs G & BRAIN R Rothmia Queen Sophia At Meloneras
VHC: 2926 YATES, Miss V & STRACEY Dr P Llantrussa Mamma Mia with Hinchley Sh.CM

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