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Windsor Dog Show Society 2000

Chinese Crested Dog

Judge: Mr R Vuorinen (Finland)

Dog CC : 1899 Mrs J P COX, L, FISHER, W, Messrs & SEWELL Blandora Time Bomb via Vanitonia
Res Dog CC : 1959 Mrs R TURLEY Glebeheath The Streaker For Angelcrest
Bitch CC : 1939 Mrs V J MOON Zucci Her Highness
Res Bitch CC : 1952 Mr & Mrs C J ROWNTREE Lemiz Fantine JW
Best Puppy : 1898 Mr L A S COX Blandora Bottled Blonde via Vanitonia
Best Veteran :
BEST OF BREED : 1939 Mrs V J MOON Zucci Her Highness

Class 323 MPD (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1897 Miss L CARTER, Mr C & McKENZIE Chinois Charisma Kid
2nd: 1889 W BRADBURY-ROBERTS Bradwen The Temptor NAF
3rd: 1925 Mr S W & Mrs A M HELLMUTH Shumllea Hartza Fire
Res: 1943 Mrs K M NEWTON Blandora Dual Cyclone
VHC: 1915 Mrs S G & Miss J A GORWILL Alltot Captain Nemo

Class 324 PD (8 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1959 Mrs R TURLEY Glebeheath The Streaker For Angelcrest
2nd: 1900 Mrs J E DAVEY Blandora Bound For Glory
3rd: 1887 Mrs D BOWDLER-TOWNSEND Moonswift Desert Wind
Res: 1945 Mrs P A C OLIVER Blandora Royal Rumble
VHC: 1920 Mrs S GRIFFITHS-PLUMMERIDGE Moonswift Eagle Feather of Goldenwood

Class 325 JD (10 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 1899 Mrs J P COX, L, FISHER, W, Messrs & SEWELL Blandora Time Bomb via Vanitonia
2nd: 1922 Mrs J GUVERCIN Ch Glebeheath the Entertainer
3rd: 1923 Mrs J L HANCOCK Mazar Dig for Gold
Res: 1947 Mrs B PATTERSON Zucci's Ky of Slipperton
VHC: 1890 W BRADBURY-ROBERTS Shumlea Chasing Rainbows for Bradwen

Class 326 PGD (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1912 Mrs S D A FORTH Omegaville Update
2nd: 1890 W BRADBURY-ROBERTS Shumlea Chasing Rainbows for Bradwen
3rd: 1931 Miss D LE-ROI MORTON Blandora Bens Ja Mon for Langshava
Res: 1940 Ms M MUSIAL Danescrest Bright Spirit
VHC: 1904 Mrs M L DENNING Fawncrest Teddy

Class 327 LD (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1951 Mr & Mrs C J ROWNTREE Lemiz Gavroche
2nd: 1924 Mrs J L HANCOCK Zucci Red Baron
3rd: 1894 Mrs J CAMPBELL Angelcrest Black Night
Res: 1936 S MARONEY Moonswift Huckleberry Finn

Class 328 OD (7 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1913 Mrs S D A FORTH Omegaville Database
2nd: 1921 Mrs J GUVERCIN Ch Glebeheath the Gentleman
3rd: 1937 Mrs V J MOON Zucci Definatly Desirable
Res: 1957 Messrs STONE, J R & FISHER, W C Blandora Rock'n Robin avec Vanitonia
VHC: 1895 Miss L CARTER, Mr C & McKENZIE Ch Chinois Chicago Boy

Class 329 MPB (9 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1910 Mrs M B EDWARDS Blandora Bright Star TAF
2nd: 1917 Mrs S G & Miss J A GORWILL Alltot Jacinth
3rd: 1965 Mrs D WILLS-CODD Vanitonia Moet et Chandon Avec Surannon
Res: 1967 Mrs S WRENN Alltot Michela Wren NAF
VHC: 1884 Miss L A BISS Blandora Maid of Magic For Ankors NAF TAF

Class 330 PB (7 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1898 Mr L A S COX Blandora Bottled Blonde via Vanitonia
2nd: 1953 Mesdames RUSHBROOK & BOWDLER-TOWNSEND Moonswift Sparkling Star
3rd: 1914 Mrs C A FURNESS Volpino Al Jen at Bobcrest
Res: 1960 Mrs R TURLEY Angelcrest Mane Faith
VHC: 1906 Mrs T DIXON Debrita Discretion

Class 331 JB (7 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1950 Mrs D RICH Solsplash Dance of Romance
2nd: 1916 Mrs S G & Miss J A GORWILL Xolovli Ziggy Fizzwig
3rd: 1908 Mr K A EDWARDS Doucai Donna Pui Bella
Res: 1944 Ms D NIELSEN Triptot Topertunity
VHC: 1933 Miss V LODGE, Mr D & JENNINGS Donsal Kandy Kisses

Class 332 PGB (8 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 1891 W BRADBURY-ROBERTS Suzies Sweet Success for Bradwen
2nd: 1901 Mrs J E DAVEY Blandora Rubies and Roses
3rd: 1886 Misses BISS, L A & CREEDY, S L Ankors the Adventuress
Res: 1888 Mrs D BOWDLER-TOWNSEND Moonswift Indian Love Call
VHC: 1963 Mrs A E VARALLO Doucai Mama Mia

Class 333 LB (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1952 Mr & Mrs C J ROWNTREE Lemiz Fantine JW
2nd: 1896 Miss L CARTER, Mr C & McKENZIE Chinois Cherish The Love
3rd: 1934 Mrs G G MALLINSON Rialo Zenitha
Res: 1902 Mrs J E DAVEY Blandora Butterfly
VHC: 1964 Miss M E WATTS Sharbour Gift of Love to Maralou

Class 334 OB (9 Entries) Abs: 4
1st: 1939 Mrs V J MOON Zucci Her Highness
2nd: 1885 Miss L A BISS Blandora Carbon Classic for Ankors
3rd: 1958 Miss J STREET Ch Mincrest Maid Ya Look
Res: 1892 W BRADBURY-ROBERTS Sunshine Princess to Bradwen
VHC: 1956 Mr J R STONE Blandora Born to Be at Oolagha

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